PhoneBook Plus is a utility program for the PhoneBook DA, also distributed on bulletin boards. This program will not do you much good without the DA. However, if you use PhoneBook, this program will let you print out reports, convert ASCII files to PhoneBook format, and display and print the phone log files.
PhoneBook Plus and PhoneBook DA are NOT free, they're Shareware. Feel free to give them to whomever you want as long as you include this text file, but you may not sell them collectively or individually or as part of any package. If you like it and use it, please support shareware and pay your dues. I’ll send you the latest version and any other nifty stuff I have on hand. See the end of this text file for prices.
PhoneBook DA: $20.00
PhoneBook Plus: $10.00
PhoneBook DA and PhoneBook Plus: $25.00
If you registered and paid for PhoneBook DA 2.1.2 or earlier, consider the upgrade and PhoneBook plus a freebie.